Friday, March 7, 2008

Blogging about the blog...

This blog is a sequence to my exchange experience in Macau. Macau, as my first "Asian-experience host", was very much about discovering general impressions about life on this side of the world, and so was my previous blog.
Being in Hangzhou studying chinese, means a lot of differences for this new blog. I am already quite familiar with life here. I have the top priority of learning chinese, so I guess many of my posts will be about this language. While very interesting for some, I'm afraid for people who don't know any basic chinese it will be as good as an extraterrestrial language... although I will try my best to make the posts as comprehensible as possible.
Of course not being fascinated by every single detail of chinese life doesn't mean I won't write about it anymore. For this blog, I hope to write in Chinese and Portuguese/English as frequently as possible. Anyway, hope everyone likes it!

因為我在杭州學習漢語, 所以將來我寫的話有很多變化. 我最重要要做的東西是學習漢語, 所以我顯然對漢語要寫的話. 雖然有人覺得這有很多意思,但是可能有人看不懂... 再中國的生活還有意思, 所以我還會對這事兒寫的話. 我希望常常用漢語和葡萄厓語/英語. 不過我說話, 書寫都還很錯, 所以, 如果您是中國人, 請不理我的錯謬...我還在練習...

1 comment:

mitsuohara said...

Nice move.

I still have to write and tell all the things that happened since I arrived here. I hope you're ok there.

As soon as I can, I'll post on my blog too. We should talk more, that's what I say.

Anyway, I'll keep my eyes on this new baby, so never sto posting here!

Miss you bro.
Take care,